Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hiji Rice & Tofu Miso Soup

This is a meal my three-year-old daughter and I made today!

When I'm with a toddler and an infant all day long, it's very difficult to cook, so I figured the only way to get things done is to get my daughter who loves to help in the kitchen involved. Since we had to use small chunks of time between my baby's feedings, and any task takes extra long when a child "helps," we slowly started preparing dinner in the morning.

Grating carrots is so easy with this daikon grater.

I love the lid! Since we weren't going to cook the carrots until later in the afternoon, we stored it in the fridge.

These stainless steel 5 qt. mixing bowl and colander are perfect for soaking hijiki (small pieces of seaweed).

The miso strainer set is easy and fun to use even for a three-year-old Princess!

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