Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Margarine Bread

マーガリンブレッド ~ Simple and tasty. It's like soft French bread.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Creamy Golden Raisin Bread


Adding left-over whipping cream I used for the chicken stew the other day made this bread so creamy that it tasted like pound cake! When I sliced the bread, it was still steamy, and the golden raisins were extremely moist and shiny like little jewels. This has become my favorite bread of the year.

bread flour (375g)
whipping cream + water (285g)
salt (5g)
sugar (26g)
margarine (30g)
golden raisins (230g)
yeast (1 tsp.)

Roll-Up Sandwich Tree

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Creamy Miso Chicken Stew


I never thought miso and cream would taste this good together! The stew turned out to be very similar to Sweet Tomatoes' cream of mushroom soup, but again, the kids didn't care at all. Ingredients: chicken thigh, baby portabella mushrooms, onion, miso, and whipping cream.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Black Vinegar Chicken Wings


Frappuccino Bread

Oven-Fried Chicken & Anchovy Rice

Oven-Fried Chicken, coated with left-over Japanese pork chop sauce from the other night. These drumsticks were actually BAKED without any oil, but there's enough fat from the chicken itself that the skin becomes pretty crispy like fried chicken!

By the way, this is the pork chop I made the other day.↓
Cpicon シェフに褒められた♪母のポークチャップ by 874

I really didn't expect the kids to eat much, but they loved it so much for some reason that I had to give them my piece too! I wonder if that was because I didn't take any pictures of the dish???

Cpicon 保育園のじゃこめし by Noraa (Anchovy Rice)

I thought both fried chicken and anchovy rice might be a bit difficult for Pingu's grandma to eat, but she loved them!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Teriyaki Meatballs

I brought 120 of these meatballs to my son's class this morning. Since there were forty students in the room, I made sure each child would get two meatballs, but so many of them wanted the third! One boy even asked for the recipe! Isn't that cute?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hot Dog Tree

For a potluck lunch at my daughter's preschool

The Ultimate Toast

Chocolate Cappuccino spread on Super Creamy Honey Bread! Extremely sweet & creamy.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Super Creamy Honey Bread

I put heavy cream in place of soy milk to bake Pooh's Honey Bread. This bread was simply irresistible. The kids absolutely LOVED it!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rich & Creamy Bread


This bread is sooo rich (main ingredient = heavy cream) that it almost tastes like cake. So good but dangerous too! Pingu's grandma loved it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Ground Beef Curry

This was one of the best curry I ever made. My son loved it and ate so much!

Completely full in my 6 qt. slow cooker

Ingredients: ground beef, caramelized onions, potatoes, baby carrots, red bell peppers, kabocha, grilled eggplants, a tomato, Trader Joe's 17 Bean & Barley Mix, Japanese curry mix, beef base, consommé, curry powder, cumin powder, 中濃ソース, etc.

Secret Ingredients: an apple with skin, honey, garlic soy sauce, heavy cream, 99% cacao chocolate, etc.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cleaner, Stronger & Cooler Soup

清補涼瘦肉湯 (Chinpoleung Sou Yuk Tong)

清補涼 herb mix
pork bones

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Egg-Free Lasagna

Beef & Mushroom Lasagna: Both kids liked it. Since I wasn't expecting much, it was a pleasant surprise!

Tapioca Bread

Chocolate Soy Milk Bread

Chocolate Soy Milk Bread that I baked for my son's class this morning

bread flour (375g)
1 pack Silk chocolate soy milk (244ml/8.25 fl oz.)
water (41g)
salt (5g)
sugar (20g)
margarine (45g)
yeast (1 tsp.)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Noodle Soup

Oma's famous noodle soup (vegetarian topping)

Oma's famous noodle soup (seafood topping)

Oma makes the BEST noodle soup!