Monday, July 26, 2010

BBQ Sweet Potatoes for Baby

OXO Good Grips Smooth Potato Masher

My baby loves Pingu's BBQ sweet potatoes, so I'm freezing some so that he can have it anytime he wants. :d

Campanelle with BBQ Chicken & Artichoke

Wanted to make some kind of simple pasta dish with the BBQ Teriyaki Chicken that Pingu made yesterday.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Picnic XI!

Pingu and I hosted our 11th Multi-Cultural Food Picnic.

My Chicken Wings with Onion Sauce 手羽玉炒め煮
This dish received eight votes and unofficially came in the second place, but I had to disqualify myself. :) I was pleased that the chicken was sold out so quickly. :D Thank you!

Pingu's Teriyaki Flat Iron Steak on Rice

My Hijiki Rice ひじきの混ぜご飯
This one "unofficially" won the 3rd prize. I can't believe people liked both of my dishes and have mixed feelings! Before becoming a mom, I used to spend so much more time preparing my food for the picnic. This time, I spent SO LITTLE TIME making the chicken wings and this rice dish, but they turned out to be very popular. :o Pretty ironic, isn't it? (^^;)

We had 27 amazing dishes!

Here's the result of this year's contest!

Main Dish Category:
1st Texas Brisket (USA)

2nd Spicy Pork with Pickled Vegetable (China)

3rd Ribs (USA)

Dessert Category:
1st Almond Torte (Portugal)

2nd Apple Crisp (USA)

3rd Apple Tart (country unknown)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A surprise from OXO

OMG, I received these incredibly amazing gifts from OXO today! I almost cried!!! My baby started eating solid food very recently, so the timing couldn't be any better. Will take more pictures when he can feed himself.

THANK YOU! ありがとう!
Vielen Dank! 非常感謝, OXO!

Fork & Spoon Set

Training Plate

Small & Large Bowl Set with Lids

Friday, July 9, 2010

Macadamia Chocolate Chip Bread

Dairy-free chocolate chips

「いいコト、みつけた。オーストラリア・マカダミア」 というサイトを見ていたら、なんだかとってもマカダミアナッツが食べたくなってしまった私。最近開店したばかりのSproutsというお店に買い物に出かけた時、量り売りコーナーでマカダミアナッツを発見。思わず買ってしまいました。これと乳製品なしのチョコチップを使っておやつパンを焼いてみました。

bread flour (250g)
soy milk (178g)
salt (3g)
honey (50g)
vegan butter (20g)
macadamia nuts (60g)
dairy-free chocolate chips (65g)
yeast (3g)

Note: If you don't have any allergies, please use regular milk, butter, and chocolate chips.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Curry Udon

Pingu wouldn't have liked it, my son hated it, and it was too spicy for my daughter. At least my dad from Japan was here to appreciate it!
